Saturday, April 23, 2011

Final blog

I took this course as an elective because I just feel like the education field is so important.  I am very glad I did take this course.  It truly opened my eyes to all the facets of educating all children.  Through our discussions, we looked at things I probably never would have given any thought to.  I know I will now look at bilingual, special education, and new students entering our country in a different way.  After reading the blogs and posts, it was very interesting to see how differently concepts can be interpreted. 
I’m not certain I will ever become a “blogger” but while taking this course it did fulfill its purpose.  I really liked looking at the pictures people put with their blogs.  Often, just by viewing the pictures, the reader could tell what the interpretation of the writer would be. 
I wish everyone success in their careers and know you will all become awesome teachers.  I say this because of your kind, compassionate, and understanding of children that I witnessed as we chatted with each other.
I summary, I believe by taking this course I have truly gained more respect for educators.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Zero tolerance

                                                        Both Sides on Zero Tolerance
Today student violence in schools has gotten out of control. As a result school systems have been forced to put zero tolerance programs in effect.   Some may feel school systems have been out of control in enforcing these policies.  There appears to be no flexibility when determining consequences for students. Administrators must follow the proper procedures and there must be consistent discipline. With all the bullying, stalking, harassment, fights, and hurtful behavior students are inflicting on each other something had to be done to address this serious issue. 
            Numerous people are debating both the pro and con issues of a zero tolerance policy.  Many feel that good kids that make a mistake just once should not be as severely punished as the student that is always getting in trouble. However, others feel when the same rules apply to everyone, students will realize they will face penalties.  There must be no tolerance for inappropriate and sometimes illegal behaviors.
Rich-Shea teaches crime and justice studies at University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, and is a fellow at Suffolk University’s Center for Restorative Justice.  She states, “With zero tolerance, what had been kids’ defiant behavior became assault. In schools, bullying, fighting and sexual harassment are now criminalized. Research shows that these harsh, punitive policies have a negative effect on school climate and reduce academic achievement.” (Shea) 
Others feel that the “one strike, you’re out” policy is not too harsh.  These people feel that an example must and should be set.  An article by Sean McCollum states, “Rule-abiding students deserve safe, drug-free environments in which to pursue their studies. Classmates with problems need to be removed and given the help they need” (McCallum).
            In order to rectify part of this problem, administrators, school personnel, and parents must establish guidelines and follow them.  Proper training about zero tolerance should be provided by school systems.  At least this way everyone can understand the ramifications of what is considered improper and inappropriate behaviors.  Everyone will also understand the consequences and this training will put everyone on the same page.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

John Dewey

John Dewey

John Dewey’s thoughts on education are often linked with the progressive movement in education.  His philosophy of education basically is that educators must teach so students are ready to contribute to society.  Schools need to teach social aspects as well as educational concepts.  Schools should also provide social reform.  Dewey’s theory focuses on the idea that education has a social purpose as well as a purpose for one’s self.  As one is learning and gaining an education, social processes should be meshed with the learning.  He felt approaches in the classroom should be experimental. 
The idea behind Dewey’s theory is that it is important for students to learn about things they can relate to and things they have prior knowledge about.  Students should be able to build on this background knowledge and use their skills to live in a progressive democratic society.  Dewey believed that students needed to learn beyond regular rote.  Students must learn how to think.  He felt that schools should “teach students how to be problem-solvers.”   It is the teacher’s job to help students learn how to think rather then have the students become containers of rote memory.  Students should be analyzing and making judgments using reflective thinking.  The teacher should not just lecture content to the students.  Students need to go beyond just memorizing curriculum.   Dewey also felt there should be a balance between the teacher and student.  The idea was to have them both work to become partners.  Dewey felt it was important for the students to make independent discoveries.  He felt students should be active and thatsthe best way to learn is by being actively involved and by doing.  The teacher’s role is to act as the guide or the facilitator.
It was also Dewey’s belief that students need to learn about good judgments.  When these students become adults they should be able to "pass judgments pertinently and discriminateingly on the problems of human living."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Social justice

Blog #8
Are Schools Providing the Best Special Education Services for all Students?

In our society today everyone is aware of the inequalities that happen in school systems.  People have come to believe that if the students are from a lower socio-economic family then it is all right for their school system to lack adequate teachers, facilities, materials and services.
Numerous questions come to mind with such a broad topic.  The issue that I will address is that all special education children should receive the same services and rights.  If a child that is in need of services has a knowledgeable parent then that parent will truly fight for their child’s rights.  These parents know the importance of bringing an advocate to Special Education meetings.  They fight for what they believe will be the best delivery of services for their child.  Let’s look at the other side of the issue to me called “social injustice.”  What about the poor, uneducated, working parents?  These parents trust the school systems will make the right decisions for their child.  They go the meetings, sign on the dotted line, and have no idea what they are signing. 
I am certain the teachers, in most schools, have the best interest at heart for all students.  However, the problem lies with delivery of services.  If it is a poorer school system, then there is not enough support staff to truly service the needs of all the students.  Does this happen in an affluent system? I think not!!
Are special education services provided equitably? Some school districts have a “pull out” model in which the special education teacher works with the child for a specific period of time during the day.  Other special education services could be when the child spends the day in a “learning center” environment and may participate with general education students for specialists.  There is also the inclusion model in which special education students spend the day in the general education setting.  This model can have a paraprofessional or assistant teacher working with the classroom teacher.  In affluent cities, there are often two teachers, general education and special education teacher, working together to instruct children.  Class size is not a problem because parents make certain teachers are instructing a reasonable amount of students.  In poorer communities, teachers have larger class sizes, maybe if they are lucky some assistance, and special education students all day long.  Is this equitable learning?
Often we hear taxpayers say, “I don’t have any child using the schools, so why should I pay taxes to benefit education?”  The point is that these children, whether they are receiving special education services or not, will someday be the leaders of our country.  We are a country that professes our love for children.  Shouldn’t we all care about all children? Our country needs to ensure that all our students receive the highest quality education.  Schools, cities, states, and our country overall must make certain that there is equity for special education students in affluent and poorer communities.
After being a classroom doing my observations, I feel very strongly about this subject.  I often see these special education students struggling and trying to grasp what is going on. Through discussions, I have heard of teachers having a large population of students that are identified as special education students and these teachers receive a minimal amount of support.  I am certain this would never happen in a community in which the parents were doctors, lawyers or CEO’s.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

educational metaphor

             Educational Metaphor

I believe the purpose of education is to provide students with the opportunity to become productive citizens and lead us in the 21st century.  My metaphor would be that educators are like bricklayers building a foundation.  Good educators must provide students with abilities to become a strong group of leaders for the next generation.  As each layer of brick is added to the foundation, more knowledge is gained.  It must be emphasized that strong foundations begin early on in a student’s lifelong journey of learning. 
These bricklayers (educators) must provide, not only the academics, for the students but the students’ foundation must also be strong with other additional skills.  Students must acquire critical reasoning skills, problem solving abilities, social skills, and common sense to have their own secure building of knowledge.
Just as the school environment should be strong, safe, and secure, so too should be the foundation of the students learning.  The actual school building foundation must provide security and be able to withstand disasters and unexpected problems.  The students’ foundation must also be taught how to cope with mishaps along the way in their life’s journey.
Real bricklayers must be knowledgeable masons in that they must know how to build a good, strong foundation.  We all know what happens to a building when the structure itself is not sound.  Therefore, students need a good strong foundation to build upon for their own knowledge. When students do not have this good foundation, their education begins to crumble.
Professional bricklayers share ideas and plan with colleagues.  By working with experienced bricklayers, they learn the proper procedures for spreading mortar and laying bricks. Educators, as well, should plan together and share ideas so they are able to implement stronger lessons.
Just as a real bricklayer will construct any type of building foundation, an educator should educate and construct a strong foundation for any child.  The race, color, or socioeconomic status of a student should not matter.  All children should be provided the same learning opportunity. 
When mixing the mortar to lay a building foundation it must be a perfect mixture of cement, rock, and water.  When laying the foundation for a student’s knowledge there also must be the right amount of materials.  Students need to have numerous mixtures of caring, support, nurturing, and the right amount of affection in order to become strong.  Students, just like buildings, must realize they are all different, unique, and each can stand up for themself. 
            The education and desire for knowledge ends up being the mortar the bricklayer keeps applying to the foundation.
 Three things I have learned up to this point are:

There are differnt types of ELL programs.
Special education students should be treated as equals in all clasroom settings.
There are numerous philosophical orientations and I am a strong believer in Cognitivism.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Educational philosophy

                                          What is Cognitivism and Do We Use it Today?

         Overall, it is important that people construct their own knowledge through life long experiences.  Cognitivism, recognized around 1956, is also known as constructivism in curriculum and instruction today in education.   The overall theory is it is important that students learn how to use different skills in the creative process in order to become productive in society.  I believe that many good teachers today allow their students to construct their own knowledge.  I say this because one math program comes to mind known as TERC.  In this math series, I remember, we the students had to form our own conclusions.  It felt pretty good to see how different people formed their answers.  We asked a lot of questions and constructed our own knowledge. It was more like find out the answer for yourself.  It was almost as if there was no right or wrong way of coming up with the solution.  Also, many of the MCAS questions used today are open response questions, I wonder if they are going along with the idea of Cognitivism?  I believe a lot of teachers are instructing this way now, especially while teaching mathematics.  They ask students lots of open ended critical thinking questions.  This process allows the student to think on their own and defend their own conclusions.
          Many people believe that with the Constructivism Theory work performance increases.  Jean Piaget’s theory about Cognitivism which basically simplified is that people need to construct their own knowledge.  In this theory, people do not just receive knowledge, they work on proving it.  Basically, your memory helps you when you acquire new knowledge.  The new knowledge may attach itself to what you already know, change your thoughts or you may learn something new.  In this learning process you store the information so you may use it later.  The educator assists the students in processing the information.  Overall, Cognitivism means “thought process.”  "This can mean comprehension, reasoning, interpreting, analyzing and synthesizing. The Cognitivist asks the question “why?” in terms of behavior and in learning” (suite 101). This promotes independent thinking.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Is Inclusion the Answer? 
The term inclusion means to place students with disabilities of both high and low incidence in a general education classroom with their peers that have no disabilities. There are different types of inclusion models such as partial inclusion, regular inclusion, and full inclusion.  For the topic of my blog, I will discuss the pros and cons of full inclusion.  The premise of full inclusion is basically that all students can and do learn in the same learning environment in one classroom.  Many supporters of inclusion believe that we can learn from each other as well as learn to respect each other and our diversities. 
Some people believe inclusion works because children are provided with positive role models.  Inclusion allows us to accept diversity of people.  With inclusion, students with disabilities are prepared to learn about how to live and try to become self sufficient.  Students with disabilities, learning in a full inclusion class, are more prepared to face challenges they may later meet in life.  It is believed that students with disabilities gain socially when learning with their peers.  Friends are made and cooperation between people takes place.
On the other hand, some people do not believe inclusion works.  Often children with disabilities are placed in classrooms of untrained professionals.  There are often times when the school system does not support the general education teacher with the assistance of another teacher in the classroom.  A major complaint is that many feel the general education teacher does not have time to teach all the other students in the class as she/he is catering to the student with special needs.  With inclusion the general education teacher and special education teacher need common planning times that are pre-established.  There should be, but often not, less students in the classroom.  There also needs to be collaboration about the curriculum between both professionals.  Often this is not the case. 
I feel for inclusion to truly work there needs to be support personnel in place.  There also needs to be good, professional development training for both the special education and the general education teacher.  With a good support system and proper training inclusion can and does work.  Ferguson states, “All students should simply be included, by right, in the opportunities and responsibilities of public schooling.”

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Multicultural Education


What is the Best ELL Program?
Today there are many students with a home language other then English.  Numerous students will not be English dominant speaking as they enter school.   The term limited English Proficient (LEP) is used for children whose first language is not English.  If a child is born to at least one immigrant parent then they are known as English Language Learners. (ELL) 
Schools use different program models in which students are placed to learn English. The programs I will discuss focus basically on the English and Spanish programs but could really be implemented with any languages. One type of program is known as the English-language monolingual program.  In this program, the student receives no instruction other then English. To me, it is like a sink or swim situation, so the child must learn English.  The English-monolingual-plus ESL program is when the child is in a regular program but does receive English instruction.  The third type of program is known as the transitional bilingual education program.  The student receives both English and Spanish instruction.  Eventually most of the language in the classroom is English and eventually the student is put in a regular classroom.  The maintenance bilingual education program is when the child is in a bilingual classroom and receives some English instruction.  This program attempts to have the student gain proficiency in both languages.  It can be taught by English speaking as well as a foreign language speaking teacher.  The final ELL Program I will discuss is the structured immersion program.  The overall lessons are taught in English with vocabulary explained in detail.  The teacher knows the native language but usually instructs in English.  The student can, however, ask questions in their native language.
Different schools systems use different approaches for their non-English speaking students.  As one article suggests “Not One Size Fits All” is the solution.  Numerous questions need to be addressed by the schools in order to determine which program fits the needs of most of their students.  For success to occur with any of these programs, teachers must work together.   An article written by Andrea Honigsfeld in Kappa Delta Pi Record (Summer 2009)   suggests some of the following strategies for any ELL Program to be effective.  Bilingual and mainstream teachers should plan the curriculum and work on instruction strategies together.  Another plan is that teachers should invite and hold conferences for both English and non-English speaking parents together.  This will allow parents the opportuinty to bond and communicate.  Peer tutoring projects should be implemented to pair English speaking and non-English speaking students the opportunity to work together.   Another suggestion is multicultural concepts should be infused within all lessons.  There are numerous things teachers can do to try to form an effective ELL Program in their schools. The suggestions mentioned above are only a small sampling of ideas.  All teachers must be willing to work together and provide students the opportunity to realize different students need different programs at different times.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Are Standardized Tests a Good Thing???
I decided to talk about standardized tests because of the importance they currently hold in regards to students graduating from high school.  I have often wondered why is it fair that students in private schools do not have to take the MCAS and they can still graduate.  Is this an issue that shows prejudice?  Let’s face it, most poor people can not afford private schools. So, does this mean that the rich kids can graduate without meeting the same criteria as the kids who go to public schools?
The idea of standardized tests is not a bad idea.  However, when these tests have a high outcome like whether kids can graduate high school, then it becomes a problem.  Often students are not given a well rounded curriculum because teachers tend to teach the content of what’s on the test.  Too much attention is paid to the fact of whether or not students will pass the test.   Sadly, sometimes the quality of a teacher is decided on if his/her students pass the test.  Some school systems even link merit pay from the outcomes of tests.  This makes me wonder if this is fair.  What if one teacher gets an advanced group of students and another teacher does not?  High stakes tests do not determine a persons all around knowledge. 
Standardized tests should be used as a tool to help schools that need reform.  Very often schools that do poorly are punished.  Teachers can lose their jobs and funding for the schools is taken away.  What should happen is the schools that perform poorly should get assistance and more funds to help their school improve.  Few teachers have even admitted to cheating to improve test scores.  Most people do not want lower salaries because the results of their students’ tests were low.
One must also think of the emotional impact of failing the test has on the students.  Children wait their entire school career to graduate.  Then, if they do not pass the MCAS, they are told they will not get a diploma.  They get a certificate of completion.  What if a student really tried and worked hard?  How do you think they would feel if they were told they were failures?  The outcome of a diploma should not rest on this one test.  I am not saying to water down the curriculum.  I am saying offer these students numerous intervention groups, support staff, one on one tutors, and extra school hours to help them acquire more knowledge. 
            There are other faults with standardized tests.  Often the issue of diversity is overlooked.  Some problems that students may encounter is that the tests do not take into consideration issues such as stress, particular student disabilities, and the tests could be written to be biased to English speaking students.  Another important issue is socioeconomic status.  An example that comes to mind is perhaps the question is asking about the perimeter of placemats.  Perhaps the lower income family is too poor to afford placemats.  Then, the student does not even know what a placemat is. 
            Overall, standardized tests can be a good thing, if they are used to help teachers gauge their instruction.  If the assessments are used as a one shot deal against students then their purpose needs to be revisited.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Why Do People Teach???

I think there are many reasons why people choose teaching as a career.   I agree with the website "” in that, “Teaching is a vocation rather than a job.” To me, a major reason is the sense of fulfillment one gets when they look at a child’s face.  This is especially true when a child really begins to understand something you have taught them.  As an teacher you can make the difference in the life of this child.  I often think of education as if you were constructing a house.  Without a strong foundation, the house would fall.  Kids need the strong foundation so they can keep adding the levels and learn more and more each day.
Many people who decide to become teachers really want to make a difference in the child’s life.  Sometimes the only stability a child has is the bond he or she builds with their teacher.  We do not know the home environment the child comes from; however, sometimes it may not be the best of circumstances.  At least a teacher can provide stability to the child even if it is for six hours per day.  Sometimes, no all the time, teaching goes beyond the academics.  I once heard of the “hidden curriculum” which means the teacher, especially at the elementary level is the nurse, coach, educator, sitter, counselor, social worker, and friend all rolled up into one. 
Good teachers have a love for children and it is apparent the moment you walk into the classroom.  As an observer you can get the feeling that it is a learning community in which academics as well as social activity is taking place.  People get into teaching because they want to create a learning environment in which everyone takes an active role. Everyone is a stakeholder from the teacher to the child.  Good teachers also realize  they can learn from their students.
Some people teach because they are concerned about the future and want to make certain the country is in good hands.  When you really think about, it will be our children who will someday run our country.  Teachers realize this and they are taking an active part in our future by educating.
Some people teach because they enjoy the atmosphere.  The sense of community that happens in the classroom can be very invigorating.  Other people become teachers because they know very early on in their own life that they enjoy spreading knowledge and it provides them with a feeling of fulfillment.  There are numerous reasons why people want to teach.  I suggest you follow up on some of these reasons on the article written by Rhonda Day on the website ””

Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Post February 2011


Hi my name is James, but my friends call me Jimmy.  I am a transfer student to Salem State from NorthShore Community College.  I am a communter and HATE the parking situation.  Can you relate to it?  I work a few jobs so this online course really helps me out.   One of my jobs is at a card and video store, as you can see from the picture, and  I own a plowing business.  I guess I love money!!  I figure I might as well go for all the work while I'm young. 
Hard at work

 I actually love the winter because of all the great sports and activities.  So far, this winter has been awesome with all the snow.  I just came back from snowboarding a couple of hours ago.  It is so much fun.  I really never have tried skiing, so I guess that is my next thing.  I  also love to travel.  This past summer was great, I went to Europe for a few weeks.  I visited a Belgium chocolate factory, drank at a beer-fest, saw the Eiffel Tower, now know what Big Ben looks like, and did all sorts of tourist attractions. Everything you have heard about Amsterdam is true and then some!!  I love riding motorcycles and racing at New England Dragway in New Hampshire.
I realize most of you in this course want to become teachers.  I want to become a police officer.  Thinking about it they are both somewhat similar, in that we want to help people.  For a long time I wanted to become an electrician.  I actually went to school for that. But, somewhere all the way I changed my mind.